
wanted: writing prompts

ive been trying to write my essays and i cant seem to deal with it properly. problem is, even my professor's writing prompts are not helping me coz i tend to have my own brain and sway away from the prompt. thus, i am trying to look for that tunnel where my thoughts and the professor's prompt will suddenly meet.

we were in Borders yesterday, and one of my purpose was to look for a book with writing prompts (yes, i read the new Batman/Superman and all the Tennis magazines first). sadly, there was none that really struck me as a nice read or a nice buy. my reasons were (a) i would tend to not read it too when i get home, and (b) i dont need a picture book.

yes, i dont need a picture book. there were three books that i saw yesterday that were picture books. those books that have pictures that are similar to the best of the best pictures pool in Flickr. so why should i even buy a picture book when i can get them on the net right?

well, writing will still be an adventure for me. if i can sound more scholarly, or not make my speech like an English paper, or just make my writings sound less like a blog entry, writing my essays would be such a breeze. but then again, i am fighting the slumpy writing styles.

2 R a v e s:

SoNSo1 said...

I have no idea what a writing prompt is. You should've asked me for that Strunk and White knock off book. It's got all kinds of style suggestions. That's how I make my writing style different from blog to papers.

But if you're looking for some kind of help for subject matter. I have no idea.

@margeemateo said...

prompts, just those things where u can start off something. like questions. but then i cant find a good prompt, rather a prompt that will really make me write.

i need to go into writing therapy.