


nothing serious, nothing really mind boggling. just that last night i had a "panaginip" about him and me...

we were at this place with our friends and i was enjoying my time. we were seated beside each other and everything in the dream was normal. chatting, munching, playing monopoly, some drinks, chatting, laughing, and more laughing. its been a while, and this is a nice thing to do to catch up.

up to this point of the dream, i never imagined that the dream entailed a "something" going on between me and him. at this point of the dream, something really ummm... sweet happened (something i cannot imagine him doing? haha!)

he was whispering something to me, then he was kissing my cheek. he was so close i could reach out a kiss to him (haha! nice way to describe it). then he was alternating a kiss on my cheek and playing with the right side of my shoulder, kissing it softly and playfully. (i have to tell you dear reader, that i stopped typing just because writing it is giving me the icky-sucky feeling). then i kissed him back on his cheek, and he just continued what he was doing. but i remember that he gave me a nice *kiss* somewhere in between those playful things he was doing.

*yihee!* i have to tease myself. haha!

dreams have this huge effect on our brains. actually, dreams are the product of the brain. though psychology tells us about the latter (and i am convinced with that), it is also nice to check it out from a dream dictionary. some dream events that may have meaning to knowing something about you or what. so i checked it out, and this is what it says:
Kiss- ...predicts happiness and contentment. BUT "If you are kissing a close friend, then it represents your respect and adoration for your friend. You are seeking some intimate closeness that is lacking in some waking relationship. It may or may not signify a romantic interest for him or her." (direct quote)
Friends- ... prediction of happy, social times with good companions
Shoulders- ...means strength, responsibility, and burdens.
Cheeks- ...commitment, intimacy and closeness

*yihee!* still the idea of having pleasant dream is the best thing there is. it makes up your day, and lets you relax that you have a long day ahead of you, including a History test which still you have not prepared enough for.

2 R a v e s:

Anonymous said...

i can hear you singin, "i think i'm in love, think i'm in love with you.." :)

just remember the line from My Best Friend's Wedding:
"if you love someone, say it, right then, out loud, or the moment just passes you by.." :)


@margeemateo said...

hahaha! yeah annix! i was singing. but not that. im still singing Brighter Than Sunshine. haha!