
the sun is high, i am under the tree, and typing

this week, there's one thing that i love doing that i was able to accomplish on the first and last day of my school week. tinkering on my laptop while seated under a tree while the sun is shining bright, and the wind is a bitty cold. the wind last monday was different from today's. today is not too strong and not a lot, but it allows me to function well, to let my brain flow out with ideas on how much i love being one with nature in this sickest attempt to do so. though at present, i am seated on a bench under the tree with a cigarette butt pot beside me. the aroma of the pot is reaching my nose, but the thought of other people smoking stinks. haha!

there's a book fair going on here in the campus. nice selection of books, just that this isnt my time to think of getting a book. actually, if i saw something that really struck me, then i might've made an exception. but no. nothing that made me convinced that i should gamble my $20 bucks or so for a book.

earlier, while eating my brunch, i was reading Digital Comics. for the past days, thats all that im feeding my brain. Digital Comics with X-Men, Spidey, and Franklin Richards. geez! FR is like reading Archie in a kiddie form. haha! but he's cute. FR is like reading Captain Underpants (was that his name? gee! been a while since i saw that book). the one that always catches my attention though is Civil War. there's a lot going on that makes me read it and look at the panels a lot.

music, hmmm... i got into the dloading bug. makes it hard for me to close my computer when i go from one place to another. like on weekdays, i have to close it after lunch since i'll be riding the bus. but being in the bus is boring, and i just want to grab my headphones and open my computer again. haha! yeah, i am thinking, mobile music player is the next answer... well, im thinking about it. yeah. thats my next project maybe.

what else? nothing really. ive not been doing a lot, but struggle to read my books and sleep. man! ive been sleeping a lot i think. with the help of my allergy meds, i tend to sleep right away and soundly. one singulair tablet makes me sleep so good for two days! thats how it has affected me. but when i wake up, i feel a little energized. haha! and my hair is better again, and i was hoping the same way for my skin. *vain alert!*

so, to sum up... my past days have been normal, uneventful, and really not post-worthy. thank you!

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