

the night is young... but i need to wake up early too. ok the night is young if and only if i will be partying. unfortunately, its not party night. tonight is full of deadlines. and i mean i have 2 papers to finish (or one to partly do something about), and i need to study for my Hist test. this is so crappy! and i am so fucked up! i cannot think clearly where i should start or what. then there's the talk about sleep. i need to sleep! dont they realize that a normal human being needs to sleep for the brain to function properly? damn! i have to defy teacher #1's wishes. i just cannot flunk teacher #2's subject when i have to impress teacher #1 (and by impress, i mean present to her a good paper). so what should i do? just present good notes or paraphrases from my sources, and just present organized notes. coz if i am able to finish that tonight, i will be able to give her a good paper by friday, and i dont need an extension! yeah! that's what i should just aim for! then what will i do with Hist? well, check the books for the old fashioned but artistic way of .... CRAMMING!!! hahaha! =o)

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