
i think i am so excited

yes! i think i am so excited about the upcoming trip that my brain is on vacation mode already. i havent gone to the extent of packing up my stuff, but i have been thinking about that. this fixing the bedroom to be so tidy and pleasing (so when my aunt arrives and occupies it), to thinking what to do on thursday or where to go in Florida or how will i be able to get tickets to Disney or realizing that i still dont have the confirmation for Universal (they sent it to my aunt's email, and she didnt forward it to me!). those stressful travelling stuff. and i must agree with Capitol Swell that packing up is such a challenge. you want to bring the smallest bag available (so you dont have to tire yourself bringing a lot), but you have to bring a lot of stuff also (i have thought already of bringing my History books and readings together with Reinventing Government that I would like to read again for the heck of reading it.) it is a pain in the head, absolutely! and to i couldnt agree more about bringing cash.... hihihi!!! when you see big items with expensive tags, you turn them down easily. but when you see little stuff with little price tags (or maybe it says SALE there), you think of who you want to give it to, how many, will i like it, will someone else like it, its on sale and i think i should get it, should i get it?, its on sale! come on get it!! and by the end of the day you have a whole bag of little stuff that were on sale and it costs as much as the big one, then you go back to the hotel, face the dillemma of how to pack it up, then when you get home you'll realize that either (1) whoever will receive it will not really like it or need it, or (2) whatever you bought for yourself, you dont need it! Waste! what a waste! so, yeah, Capitol, we should have power over our wallets! (not let the capitalistic and commercial motivations run into our brains. haha!)

but im not closing my doors on the possibility of buying... little stuff. =o)

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