
Conflict Resolution, Transitions, and ID Card

 This morning, I had a personal resolution. After this day, I shall be resolved from all previous personal issues that I have and re-start on a clean slate. Impossible when you think about it, but believing that you can have a clean slate, that is another thing (you can say I am convinced that I am the latter).
When I went into my History class today, I heard one of the signs that my conflict resolution will work. Our professor told us that we can submit the papers late, just of course with deductions. I have 2 pending papers with him, and 3 more additional due after Spring Break. So if I submit everything after Spring Break, I'm caught up with part of the needed work, thus I dont have too much to worry about grades (thats what you call self confidence). However, he gave us also additional EXTRA works where he can take out EXTRA credits for our grades. A film review is part of it, and the group work... which has a little vague idea on grading, but i'll do it anyway. This is my chance to mark off anything that the first quiz that I just had today will mark on my ledger. I know I've done poorly on the quiz as I have concentrated more on finishing (or 2/3 finishing) my English paper, than studying (which means catching up on all the readings) for history. I rant a lot about history coz I am frustrated. I love Philippine History, and I didnt mind Asian or World History. But I think the volume of readings that almost-always supplements the idea of the other author is so repetitive that you read a lot for the same idea (its like the good thing in shopping when you buy 3 for the price of 1. haha!). But you have to read it anyway because history is about details, not like political philosophy where you use Aristotle's ideas to explain the political system in Singapore (hmmm... was that Sir Lem's question before? haha!). Well, I have to live with it and try to LOVE it so that I can pass the subject. Thats the main goal right now... pass!

Transitions is not about me changing from old self to new self (or for lack of a better term for it). It is about my new glasses! yipee! I've been wanting a pair since I saw it on TV, and my mom just sent me one. great! Mama handed it over to me last night, and I was so excited that I wore it riht away. Of course you cannot test it without sunlight. So come morning, I thought it wasnt working still. Then, upon reaching CCBC, I walked going to the J building. As I stepped into the lobby, I knew it worked... coz my sight was dark!!! Yes! this thing works! (so actually right now, I am blogging on a bench under a tree, at the back of the A building. other words: Outdoors!) Funny thing only is that it takes a while before the tint goes off. so i have my other glasses on hand just so when its on transition still from outdoors to indoors, i can use my other glasses to see whats going on with the environment. But for anyone who has a hard time with sunglasses, this is really recommendable! I love it!

ID Card. There's a back story to the ID Card. I left my purse inside my pocketbook, and i wasnt able to put it inside my book bag. So I was inside the car without cash, card, and an ID card. I asked my auntie if I can have a couple of bucks, and that absolutely saved my day! As I was walking to the bus stop (i really realized it at that time...weird), I thought of the ID card. If I was back in DLSU, i couldve committed harakiri if i didnt have my ID Card (of course back in DLSU i had 3 to 5 times of cases without the ID card, and I'm still alive). but the open system in CCBC is an advantage to people like me who do not care much about the ID card. hehe! (except for the perks now maybe). so thats just the whole story about the ID Card. nothing grand. =o)

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