
Where is the other Senator O?

even before the Estrada Impeachment, I have always admired Senator Sergio Osmena III.

after he ran again in 2001, i was supporting him fully.

after he began attacking the President after the President supported the family of his family's top enemy, the Garcia clan.

that is when it died down a bit.

but then it is such a shocker for me to know that he isnt running this time. are the senators allowed 2 straight 6year terms only? damn i cannot remember. I know that the Reps are given a 3straight 3year terms, just like all local officials.

*ok so i just checked again now, yeah, they can only run 2 consecutive terms. *

if he was able to run, he would make my list still. minus the flaw on line #3 where clan-ism ruled over him, he was still a better performing senator, with the brains and all. if he was running today though, i am not sure what party he will be going with.

humhumhum. wait for 3 years Mr. O, then run again, and i guess you'll be back on your seat again.


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