
Little Fockers

 I went to see "Little Fockers" coz we were left with nothing else to catch on theatre. We didn't feel like watching Gullivers Travel & The Tourist is just not a movie I want to see after 2 days, so for a movie u quite expect what the outcome will be, we decided for this.

I've seen the two previous movies from this series and I'd say the excitement was all left on Meet The Parents. After that everything just went on crazy mode.

So you know that Little Fockers should have kids, and the story will be how the Fockers deal w/ their kids. But then that's just a premise. What really happened is that it was still the story of Gay Focker surviving on Jack Byrnes watch and how their differences create the conflict of the story, plus the other external characters like the crazy drug rep played by Jessica Alba & the whole Irish lineage/ Jewish faith thing. Oh and how can I forget Owen Wilson's character who still had hang-ups about his ex-girl-now-Mrs.Focker. Oh and throw in some Blythe Danner, Dustin Hoffman & Barbra Streisand then you've got a mix of characters. Yes.

I dunno what's special about it but Jack Byrnes uses an iMac to google Andi Garcia (Jessica Alba).

Anyway, I still can't figure out what I wanna share about it, but for those who just needs to watch something, I do recommend it too. It's like how I felt while watching The Tourist, I didn't expect anything so I was neither disappointed nor pleased with the movie.

All together, to put it lightly, I'll give it a 2/5 coz it's just not that special for me but it's not something I don't want to just trash.

2 R a v e s:

One Little Seedling said...

Green Hornet isn't there? That movie was awesome. Don't see it in 3D though, there's no need in that film. Jay Chou and Rogen are awesome together. But what it comes down to is Jay Chou. That guy is awesome.

@margeemateo said...

It's gonna be out this Friday. I wasn't too excited to watch Green Hornet until I found out it was Michel Gondry.

There are movies that they show here on the same week as it's release there, but there are some, like "127 Hours" who's gonna be shown this coming months. That's why I'm not sure about my blog/movie calendar. =)