
One Week After: An Update

to all those who included my uncle in their prayers, thank you so much! and i would like to tell you, and i am so glad to tell you even, that all our prayers have been answered. He is such a good Lord!

after a week and a half in the ICU, his respirator has been removed, and he is using an oxygen tube right now. but if in the next couple of days, he still progresses really good, then even the oxygen tube can be taken out. he has more consciousness than the last couple of days when we were all waiting for developments. he started trying to talk again, and all he can think about is his family and friends, and how he needs to get back and tour more of Australia with his tour group (his office mates who was with him for the trip/vacation). my aunt (his wife) says that they might be able to put him on a wheelchair now so that he can be mobile. he also was concerned about my grandma if she is so worried about what happened to him (maybe thinking if her BP shoots up). he is also like most patients who regained consciousness of what happened to them. he has become irritable of all the tubes that are on his body, like he wanted to take out the O2 tube coz i guess he is having a hard time talking properly. he is on a soft diet, and still under observation. but nevertheless, there were a lot of progress. thank God!

i couldnt ask for more right now. i am thankful that he has shown progress, that his body responded well to medications, and that he will, in God's time, survive all these and surpass his tribulations with a strong mind and healthy body.

with all praises to good Lord above!

4 R a v e s:

SoNSo1 said...

The news is getting better.

@margeemateo said...

it is really! and im so happy about it.

♥ N o v a said...

Prayers do work. =)

I'm glad your Uncle is feeling better. We'll keep praying for even more healing.

@margeemateo said...

thanks! =)