

a cool vid to show anticipation of Spidey coming o'er the theaters SOON!!! like in 2 weeks...

i hope its as good as they are showing it to be! anyway, they didnt fail us the first 2.
btw, Philippine showing on May 1st?!? (according to Inq Blog Addicts). why? is it the Philippine Labor Day treat to hold off everyone from protesting and just go get a movie tix and eat popcorn? well, its only 3.5 days ahead from me... i hope i dont care that much. friends, just dont spoil the movie if you see it ahead of me or else.... ok?!?

2 R a v e s:

Anonymous said...

I reckon the showing of big-budget foreign movies earlier in the Philippines was a strategy to avoid pirated DVDs of that film from being shipped to Manila from other countries prior to its premiere in local theaters - that was the strategy back around 2002 (they did that with Star Wars and Spiderman 1) - I just don't know if that's still the strategy being used.

@margeemateo said...

yeah. possibly. i forgot to mention that it was the same when they showed 300. they showed it 3 days ahead from the US release. i dunno if that piracy strategy works though. it helps but there will always be pirates. i dunno if it is right to say its part of our (and other countries) society, but also it is part of Globalization (downside).