
Hot Fuzz

my gosh! i gave it 5 stars! its so hilarious!!! i love it! Brits make funny movies! I really like it. Bad Boys II, as they properly cited it, was one of their main influences. but did you realize an element of "The Stepford Wives"? hahaha! before the movie, i was thinking twice about watching it coz of school stuff, but then, well i put it down. hahaha!

While watching the movie though, I was haunted by my history book. The Hot Fuzz story is set on Sandford which is a "perfect" little town. Im not in the mood to tell you the whole story, but while watching it, I realized about its connection to the Puritan town of Salem, MA set in 1692. Both are the "perfect" little towns with a lot of issues. Their answer to the disruption of their perfection? Eliminate everyone who tries to wander off their ideals!

I love it! I really love it. I wanna watch it again. Really.

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