
So now tell me...

1) a baby inside a carrier with blanket over the carrier. the baby with the mom and grandma ride the bus for the baby's appointment with the doctor. the bus is getting near the hospital. what they (mom and grandma) did was to prepare themselves by getting a stick of cigarette each, and place it on their lips. upon getting off the bus, they light it up. so now tell me, will the blanket over the baby's mobile help the baby be protected from bronchial problems in the future?

2) two papers were handed back to me today. i think i should refrain using "excommunicated" coz it is being mistaken for... um... "execute". so now tell me, am i wrong when i said that people who weren't killed but were instead forbidden to talk to anyone from a community is "excommunicated"?

2 R a v e s:

SoNSo1 said...

Smoke 'em if you got 'em!

@margeemateo said...

erm... not when there's kids though... not about setting an example. its about not getting the sick. i think that was the whole irony of the situation. smoking before bringing the baby to the doctor. =o)