
Is there a writing "Mojo"?

you wouldnt think that i need it. well everyone's so wrong! i need it! i need a fucking writing mojo! yeah! im so in need of it.

i think next time i should talk about the adverse effect of blogging. damn yeah! though blogging makes me enjoy writing, it made me forget how to write properly. it made me lose interest in writing in 3rd person for research papers and all those stuff. i cannot blame my topics again as these topics are of my choosing. but hell! im always stuck somewhere! and it is hard for me to get out of it, and get back to the train of thought that i assumed at first.

though when i Google-d Writing Mojo, i ended up realizing i am not alone. though they have different situations from me. Number One and Number Two.

*sigh!* i need to talk about something im more interested in doing. um, besides, why did i choose to talk about Rap Music when I always listen to Rock Music. damn! i dont make any sense. you know now why i get stuck!

***This is to help me be cured (though this applies for creative writing more): Get Un-Stuck with Language is a Virus dot Com

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