
spilling out of my brain

(1) for the love of humanity! please change that title of the werewolf movie. please not BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE!!!

(2) FYI: i/ we didnt have a white Christmas. This is supposedly my first White Christmas, but it was sunnier than ever! (though the 25th and the 1st were greeted by rainshowers). better luck next time for me!

(3) i had a manicure last Saturday. my first color choice was black, but i chickened out coz it looked awful on my hands. so i chose mettalic blue instead. post a pic next time. :)

(4) comcast on demand has... dating on demand! making strangers meet more conveniently, with streams of their recorded videos. ugh! whatever!!!

(5) i have always been trying to catch MY BOYS at unholy hours just to see some of the missed eps. greatness! its in ON DEMAND! so i tried watching 2 out of the 4 that were available.

(6) i just realized that one of my all-time fave movies, CAPE FEAR, was directed by Martin Scorsese! i dont know why i like this movie, considering that it freaks my brains out. since i first saw it, i just cant stop watching it. Robert de Niro makes you so angry there.

(7) i must say that i have not updated myself with the current political situation in the Philippines, but since i am doing my spills, i would like to do this. the last time that i was able to update myself was before Christmas, when the majority in Congress "railroaded" the passing of House Resolution 1450. before i share my view, i would like to say that i am middle/center concentrated but government leaning. however, with this railroading that happened, i would say that was hilarious and disappointing. but the more disappointing people for me are those who are part of the minority bloc. seeing 25 attendees for the opposition against the overwhelming number of the majority! it was too much for my disbelief. it was like waving the white flag right away. i am despondent by this movement. they were elected by their constituents for them to fight for what they believe in. now if you do not appear in the Congress halls, it is such a waste to even put you in that position. much so, what i hate is that they are the same people who will show up in Press Conferences and news broadcasts, speaking of what shuld be and what ought to be, when they themselves cannot stand by what their duty asks of them.
for these minority representatives who did not show up in that process, your podium is the congress podiums and not the TV sets, not the newspapers, not the radio talk shows. you were elected to sit and debate in congress halls, not let the media moguls rake money from advertisements. you are not characters in a telenovela, you are congressmen and women, representatives who were given the mandate to stand by the people's interest for the nation, not the commoneers hunger for comic relief, or reality TV.
and to the majority bloc, you disappoint me all the more. you are showing how a cheap stake you all are. you will never be different from the rest of your colleagues.

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