
flare up!

for my MC high school friends, hello. this post is for your eyes only. haha!

for some time, i have been able to diet myself from bashing anyone. but forbid! sometimes, old habits cannot go away, especially if it is one of your favorite person in this whole world...ugh!

i dont want to name her, neither do i want to say that she is who she is. if she notices that it is her, fine. take my words and do whatever you want to do with it. i am just so pissed with you, thats it.

a high school classmate. thats who she is. and as soon as we went to college, she wanted everyone to see that the butterfly came out of the coccoon. i dont really care that she became the butterfly she wants her pathetic life would be, she flaunted the first guy she tripped over, and all. i dont care. whoever even cared? but then she continued doing so. she changed her image, from uber childish to goth punk rock princess. woah! whatever! but nobody cared. she has her alias now that is a staple to her page, taken from a punk rock group's name. duh! what duh! so out of sheer boredom at this time of the early mornings, i checked her page. oh my gosh! you would not believe what i saw. read her page and you'll see that her messenger name/ username was my name underscore whatevers her childish fancy.

what in the world!

in my high school there were two of us with the same name in our batch. i know she will not fancy being me coz im not the beautiful and popular one of the two of us with the same name. twinkle (my same name's nickname in their family), is the bright, popular, and beautiful one. everyone knows her, the guys from the soiree's fancy her, and im glad to say that even though not close, she became a pal to me, coz she's one of the closest friends of one of my friends. and maybe, just maybe, thinking from the psychological POV, that she fancies being twinkle because of that....


(phoebe, help me recuperate from excessive vomitting)

the only thing is that for the love of mankind, dont use anyone's name for your weirdness. it is inhuman! and come to think of it, dont use anothers name as an alias and place it beside your picture. maybe use sailormoon as your alias, then put your picture beside it, not MARGE (or to be specifically understandable, part of my real name) then put your picture, coz you know fully well that it wont fit the picture. we all know that you are who you are so just be human and live your life, not try to dream of being someone youre not.

if you read this, whatever you say that will be in defense of what i wrote here will be accepted, but call me unfair or biased, that wont erase my prejudice that you are using our name in vain for your selfish sake.

i end my flare up here. goodbye. and i still hope she reads this and thinks about it.

2 R a v e s:

Anonymous said...

Omg *rotfl* how highschool can she get! Dude, all I can say is that she doesn't have an identity of her own whatsoever, projecting an image after image. And using punk rock names as aliases? That is so last century!Ahaha. Forward me the page so I can laugh at her so called identity crisis issues =p

And P.S.
the girl's not even pretty!

@margeemateo said...

just look for her in my friendster page. truly high school. haha! but its good now, i mean ive come to my senses after that ruthless post i made. :) haha!

but i'll still forward to you her page. haha!