

After reading The Seed's post about High School life, I began to think of mine. How was my High School life?

High School was a phase in life for me, the most memorable one. But none of my successes and troubles in High School would be complete if it wasnt for my 7th grade in Grade School.

7th grade was the most memorable year for me coz it was all too freaky to think of now. what i am only thankful of from this year is that this was the time i started coming out from my shell. i was my own human being, not the replica of some sorts. and i was thankful to some people because of this.

7th grade was also where i met my BFF... my best friend!!! (if she reads this, she'll freak out i guess. i never told her she's my best friend). when i look back how we even met or how we clicked was really funny. two words: POP and CRUSHES! haha! and from those silly stories, we hybernated to being the friends who only had one "rift" once when we were in 2nd year High, and that was it (and i am so thankful for that!). ***If you do not remember what that is, dont worry, message me and I'll refresh your memory. I guess you didnt even notice we were in trouble that time***

and if not for 7th grade, my high school would not be the same. it was like 7th grade was the epilogue to my high school life novel. and if it was a novel, the peak of the story is i guess, near the end of the novel...

4th year was the best year there is. we felt more human than ever before. we were trying to be mature, deciding for ourselves, yet, as for my 4-1 class (PORWAN ppl), we were doing our job while having fun. we were the "bunch" and we were quite a handful for our mentors, and yet i know we are adorable. hahahahahaha!!!! we were the pain in the ass, but we were leaders, achievers, dreamers, goal setters. we were the best! haha! to much for ego guys! :)

4th year was my max of potentials, and this is where the irony of my life was apparent. everyone knows that i graduated with a political science degree and that everyone expects us to lead and all that. and i shifted courses in my freshman year in college from psych, because i knew that the science's didnt like me (coz ince my first term, my governance was my highest than my low average in intro to psych). but in my 4th year in high school, i was the Science Club President, and was elected as Student President for the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines' Science Division. Oddly enough, I was always not doing well with my Physics class! and nobody believed me, coz, im science club president!!! i guess i was good in being president, i was good in leading them, but it did not reflect in my academic skill in that field. the subjects that i was good at were English/Lit and Economics!

4th year high was also my busiest (partly because of my responsibilities with the org), that i take my recess alone, walk alone around the campus grounds, and sit alone studying (cramming for a better word of it). and even then, i didnt care about it! if you let me eat, sit, and do things alone on my earlier years, i couldve sworn i wouldnt be writing this way. but then i was happy with doing stuff alone because i was responsible for something and im proud of what im doing, and second that though im not popular, i can rely on going back to my tambayan (place where me and my friends hang-out), and see them there waiting for me. though there are also times everyone is so busy no one is in our tambayan, i go to my other friends outside of my group. and sometimes, when you are walking alone, somebody will just grab you, and end up walking and talking with you along the way to your room on the 3rd floor of the building (making your flight up the stairs relaxing and easier).

graduation was not the end of our story, going to College wasnt either. it was another chapter in our lives. we are 8 individuals who were linked one way or another by the other, with different personalities and all, and yet, even in our trying times in college, we manage not only to stay in touch, but love each other like how we used to back in high school. im the one who tries to always do the roll call. without sisters, i felt like missing them is like missing my sister so much. so i do all that i can (including sneaks of course), just to find a way to meet my friends who were in different parts of manila. though i wasnt successful in meeting them all, at least i met up with most of them, and keep in touch thru all means the other couple of people. then i really felt so glad when most of them went to one of our friends' graduation party. when i saw their picture, i was so touched for an unexplainable reason, and also felt saddened that i wasnt there in that party (note: that party happened 5 to 7 weeks after i left the Philippines). but still, i feel so happy to see them in that picture.

there were also a lot of other minor characters in my high school life, and to this moment, i still get to talk to them. i still try to keep up with most of them; but of course my high school friends are a whole different story to my life. and though most of us are working, are in medical school, or are in our own different fields, we always have something to hold onto each other for, which is our friendship that strengthened us in times we needed most.

*** i felt like i didnt need to write down something about College coz for one, there was already an insight about my college friends in my post from yesterday. i guess that will be a little too much to say again. and that will be another long story. ***

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