
3 more to go...

tonight i saw The Queen, one of the five movies for best pic in the Golden Globes.

it was a nice human movie.

why human?

emotional and sensitive to how every human works, acts, and feels; and how some people are too stereotyped that they lose themselves or they lose who they really are as a person.

and another thing, interest. again that is politics. PM Tony Blair, as portrayed in the movie, was playing devils advocate. he was going from one side to the other. he was playing along the line of how he would continue winning everyone's sentiments, and how he could be the hero to the monarchy. and damn did he play it well.

one memorable line from the movie was when the Queen and the PM met 2 months after the funeral. she was saying something about how the PM stood between those lines to not protect the monarchy but he was afraid that he would see himself in that position, thus he would rather stick to how people would accept him and not as how you would act in order for diplomacy. act in the pop culture way, how "human" other people would like you to act, and not how you as a leader should stand up and react differently on the occassion. incidentally, at present, the PM most especially during the time before his re-election was under much stress and pressure from everyone for his continued support towards Pres George W. Bush and the war in terror/ Iraq policy. well i do not want to delve into that and make a list of wabbles about it.

it was a good movie. it showed that the British monarchy has been in turmoil since the Princess Diana issues, and is in much criticism not evidently in the world affairs (since it is accepted that the monarchy is a symbolic entity), but by the world tabloids.

and i think it is wrong to say that the PM's suggestion for decisions is too modern as how he and Prince Charles calls it. it is the Pop decision, how everyone would accept the decision because it is due by popular demand.

food brain homework: would you rather do what is worng and popular or the flip side?

good night!!! pass ou!!! need to crash on the bed!!!

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