
Someone should start it

 In anything, someone should start something so all will hopefully follow suit. In this case I just found myself wondering

"where have all the blog conversations gone?"

Hi guys! =)

2 R a v e s:

SoNSo1 said...

The blogs went to the dogs and everyone went to facebook. Geez. I figure you would've at least known that.

I'm the only one out here writing stuff at least weekly, and weakly. No one will ever read.

@margeemateo said...

I was gonna say that it went to Facebook and Twitter. I dunno why u ended the post like that. I think I pressed post on my phone and that was it.

Your writing is actually cool these times. CapSwell's tone has been interesting too, like he's actually talking to you.

Me & the Seed need to restore the blogging spirit. Right? And where's Blue Ryder?