

as i was looking for a recipe for Chicken Macaroni Soup (without milk), i found this recipe Asian Chicken Macaroni Soup. I found it appetizing with all the mushroom you can put. im a sucker for mushrooms. i just love it. cant wait to try this next time.

2 R a v e s:

onocoffee said...

It's really not that hard to make chicken soup. Just take some chicken, add water, black pepper, carrots, onion, celery and heat for an hour. Salt to taste. Add some lemon or lime juice.

Want to give it a kick? Maybe some cilantro or sliced jalapeno peppers. Maybe some chopped tomatoes for color. Add the macaroni at the end of the cooking.

It's really quite simple and you can basically use whatever ingredients you have handy in the fridge.

@margeemateo said...

ive done this soup a couple of times, but somehow, to get my head straight, i just need to look at something. but thanks for the suggestions. i think adding cilantro is something id like to try. =)