
layp's sawndtruck

so as u may have noticed, this blog is kindda getting stale. not to mention the existence of the secret identity blog... just kidding!... it is to the best of your interest, to say the least, that i give a heartwarming apology for wasting your time and space in looking at a "collection of You Tube" blog. yes! i must admit that. anyway, nothing much is happening, so why waste more of your time in sharing nonchalant experiences that will make you scream and/or yawn. there are other things going through my brain, like how to organize L-I-F-E in a way that will make me be H-A-P-P-Y. the most solace that i get though, is from music (which explains the pool of You Tube videos). just as Francis did in "Darjeeling", he plays the IPod in time for something that is coming up. our life has a soundtrack, and each track is worth every event that happens in our life. i would say that my current playlist will be ... nature sounds. calm. natural. boring.

i dunno where this is headed. i just want to write, damn it! i want to feel that my brain is functioning well, and not as frozen as i thought it was... or maybe it still is.

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