
Fiesta Filipina 2007

the one and only pic

it was a hectic day today as we had our own booth. i didnt want to move coz im overpowered by menstrual cramps, but i knew that helping around was coming. and helping around became manning the booth for what seemed like ages. thanks to the presence of Ono Coffee, i was able to excuse myself and call him. then Browser Metrics and Capitol Swell came, then everyones there. yehey! i had a reason to escape labor. everyone disappeared during the parade, coz who wouldnt want to be on the kids tails. i was left behind with Ono and Capitol, and i was hanging out with two guys who wanted to see the scene for own personal reasons =p. i had to escape labor again when i went back to the booth, so i tried babysitting. i wasnt in the mood to really face people and sell stuff. not my kind of thing really (moreover with hormonal weirdness). now im exhausted, and i just want to lie down for a bit.

for next year: please lessen angry rock bands. please diversify. go electronica! make a street party. and remove that guy who was rapping his ass. wiki wiki wawa!

before i forget: damn energizer rechargeable batteries! i was expecting its already charged from the factory, turns out its much zero than the batteries i threw out. damn you now i dont have any pictures from today's event! damn youuuuuuu!!!!

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