

Yes! Wednesday before finals. Im getting excited. I am excited to be um... normal again? example, last night, i was up still up at 2am, reading the materials for like the third time, and still there are some parts that do not get stuck in my head. one thing i cannot figure out with myself is how in the world was i able to tollerate and live through my DLSU life with all my Pol Sci readings and stuff, and these readings I have, which is I guess a fourth of the usual Pol Sci load, I cannot handle it? yes. the problem is with me. Another problem was one of the readings was making me frustrated. Alexis De Tocqueville was my report for today. the prob is i forgot who he was from Political Philosophy, and in any case, I still wouldnt find it helpful even if I remember him, coz interpreting him in Political Philosophy class and in American History class is of a different thing. Since I also know that he is a Political Philosopher, I was getting frustrated with not being able to explain things to myself properly. Or was it because I was needing to stick to the facts and not come up with my opinions? now that is my recurring problem. History needs to stick to facts, studying political stuff requires you to have understood the principles that may be used to explain an event, or something like that. like explaining how economy affects the country's stability. you've got to state some facts but there is more to it. there is the point of understanding it thoroughly. history on the other hand is pure fact. i dunno. i also am not sure if im getting conistent still with all that i am saying.

the other thing that i need to be normal about is the physical aspect. #1 i noticed last night was that I cannot lie face down on my bed. i feel so bad. i am more happy lying face down. #2 irregular sleeping patterns. or shall i say, i lack sleep. better work on that one. #3 is my want to go jogging/ running again on early mornings. for me to really get going, i have to wake myself up at 7 or 8 am. if i get up at 9, that means trouble. no more running. argh! so got to have discipline and motivation on that aspect.

well breather time right now. be back in action later. gonna go back to Superman. in the past hour and a half, ive read 3 comic books and 2 from digital. great. i cannot wait for official vacation time!

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