

easy access updates on the Philippine Polls. as of this time, Top 5 are all from the Genuine Opposition (GO) slate, with one of my bets Chiz Escudero leading the poll. my other bets Pangilinan and Arroyo are on #6 and #8 respectively. Defensor, on the other hand, is really far off as he is currently #16. I am a little disappointed though with the turn-out so far. dissenters are on the top 12. damn! Trillanes and Honasan?!? come on Pilipinas! wake-up!!! what did you do? *though yeah i cannot speak what did you do as i am part of the cannot do anything.* pero naman, naman, naman...

I hope Recto and Defensor's number goes up... of course in a clean way. =)

Halalan 2007 c/o ABS-CBN.com

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