
3 Quotes From Spidey II

 I was watching Spidey2 over at FX Channel (with commercial interruptions). I havent finished my Spidey 3 review, but I ended up with 3 quotes on love from Spidey 2.

#1: Peter and Mary Jane on Cafe
MJ: Kiss me. I need to know something.
*** think of this as the most radical move to know if you love each other. of course the thing is there should really be some "love" going on before you even dare the guy to do this. say like the situation that MJ and Peter have. ***

#2: Peter and Mary Jane walking in Chinatown after the play
Peter: You don't understand! I'm not an empty seat anymore. I'm different! Punch me I bleed.
*** loving is a superhuman act, but still the point is you are human. you may love selflessly, but what you have to understand is that you are still human who cannot run away from loving without boundaries. loving is a human act and you hurt, you bleed. ***

#3: Peter and Mary Jane while in whatever scene was that (I think its while they were in the social event)
Peter: I don't think it's that simple.
MJ: Of course you don't! Because you complicate things!
*** there are times when you are afraid to love someone or commit to someone or even make someone know that you love him. what happens is that you make excuses. you make different excuses to deny that your love should be headed somewhere. like Peter, he fears that he cannot commit to MJ because he cannot give himself to her. He cannot give his time, especially, since he is Spidey. ***

1 R a v e s:

SoNSo1 said...

I think you'll find better lines from "Spiderman Loves Mary Jane." And I thought I was crazy for reading it.