

aahh!!! the after Church coffee experience in the Church of the Nativity. =o)

all day they have brewed coffee in different flavors that you can buy for a dollar per 16oz cup, and that happens every Sunday. (the Church has a Cafe' where most of the parishioners meet and chat after the Sunday mass. its the socializing area of some sort and they have food and drinks sold from 50 cents to $3). but thats not really my topic. my topic is the coffee.

ive shared in countless posts that ive been developing bad reactions from coffee. that is why i have tried to like cream and splenda in order to "dilute" (if thats really a way to do it) the amount of caffeine present in the coffee. there's also my countless cups of half decaffeneited and half regular to support my taste buds that long for the strength of coffee (which of course i still mix with cream and splenda). today for some reason, i went 100% regular (which means high on caffeine), and no cream nor splenda. as i took my first sip earlier, the first thing that i felt was how i felt that it had an effect to loosen my tense back (which ive been complaining of for the past weeks.) so far (for the past 30mins to be precise), i havent felt my pulse going fast. if this works, i will be back in my old self drinking black coffee.

just like the old days. drowning myself to black brewed coffee while doing my schoolworks. aahh! the good thing about doing something. =o)

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