
my perspective on media

im bored, and before it slips off my brain while im waiting, id have to blog it. =o)

i realized today how negative i have become with my view on media. news media has, for me, been exposing a lot of bias and leniency that i cannot trust all that they are saying now. but in my hist class today, i found a better word for it. selection. yes. media is selective on what they broadcast, and that is why either they edit out too much details, and select strong points that can make or break the personality. Philippine media has been like that. they highlight the strong, sensitive, and sensational phrases or sentences that the personality uttered. in the end of each segment or broadcast, they pitch in their thoughts and that is when your brain gets sucked into believing, or trusting them with what they say. and it either confuses you with the truth, or you have a different view now with what the truth is about.
also, they are selective as what we should know. we take pride of ourselves so much we forgot those beyond our borders. that is how my hist teacher characterizes American media. they try to go local, within the borders, and forget the outside world. if not for internet, you might not have known the other things that happened to Americans and foreigners alike in Korea or in Zimbabwe. in the Philippines, world news comes with either the words America, China, Filipino in ____ wins, Filipino in ___ dies, Filipino in ____ is held captive, and a little more of those stuff. if not for George Clooney maybe, we wouldnt have known the case in Darfur. thing is, we know George Clooney, and he knows something about whats happening in Darfur, ok we should feature that too.

i cannot remember when was the last time i wanted to join a media organization... 5 years ago i think. i wanted to join one of the biggest media organizations in the Philippines, and I swear, i would be happy to be enslaved just to work there. but now, well, id say i love what im doing, and im enjoying life. just like how i do not want to be a civil servant... lets say i do not want to be stigmatized.

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