
coffee running through my veins

i almost didnt sleep the whole night. yeah!

i slept at 12mn and woke up at 130am. i was still in a bliss, and i was able to walk straight to the bathroom and open the faucet so that the cold water can shock my nerves, and it was a successful way to wake me up. so i ended up brushing my teeth and washing my face so that i can really wake up my whole body; and waking up lasted up to 630 am, and i slept for an hour and a half after that. now dont ask me the chronology of things that happened after washing my face! i was awake coz i wanted to get some time to study. period! (haha! im a little defensive as you can see.)

so today is monday, and i have class from 10am to 5pm. long hours!!! and only 2 subjects. so before i went to the 10am class, i got a cup of coffee. a huge cup of coffee (venti size of starbucks) brewed coffee, 50% of decaf 50% of regular, against my usual mix of 80% decaf 20% regular. i needed the extra boost, and it helped me through the half of the day! so i said, well i feel ok, and i know my other class will make me feel uber sluggish, so i got another venti of the same mix! after an hour in class, i can feel my heart racing... my pulse rate a little faster. yes! it kicked in... and its kicking me straight to my weakness! hay! but i love coffee. then i got better a bit, and i ended up buying another coffee based product. this time, it is called Starbucks Double Shot Espresso and Cream, and trust me, dont get it if you are a coffee addict. it tastes like cream, it doesnt have the slightest taste of coffee... of course the fact that it is a canned drink is a given that you cannot expect a lot from it even if its a Starbucks product.

lesson: try doing 60-40 for your brewed coffee, and it costs less than the canned one, so dont buy the canned double shot.

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