
White Flag

ok, i give up! for the past 2 ours i keep on tossing and turning on the bed. here are a couple of reasons:

1) not my first night to be this, but this is the longest one. since the day i got sick (monday), either i tossed and turned for 30 mins, or was up in the middle of the night for an hour.

2) knowing the existence of the computer

3) went potty for 3 times already

4) waiting for my bff's to message me

5) my overly caffeinated day (2 cups of tea, and a grande latte with extra shot and mint syrup)

so whatever it is, i am so not sure. but as a magazine says, to get a good sleep, i have to take out those that clutter my brain like problems, work, stress, and anything that you think that hinders you from getting a good night sleep.

wish me luck!!!


1 R a v e s:

One Little Seedling said...

Don't pay attention to the Magazines. Oh and it was probably that Latte. I think I made a mistake and got you 3 shots. Seriously. I didn't understand a word the lady said behind the counter. I just said "yes".