
Staying Up Late

it really sounds stupid but im staying up late coz i just want to. my eyes are i guess blood shot now, and my feet are cramping. my back has a piercing pain, and my shoulders are burning. and all i want to do is type on the computer whatever comes first in my mind. this is getting stupid-er and stupid-er (if there is such a word as that).

though the good thing is that i am catching up with my friends, who are either working or just hanging out on a Saturday morning back in Manila. this is the bad thing about time difference. you try to catch up with people by sacrificing your own time. i am not blaming my friends, im just saying that there is the ups and downs to this scenario. *ooh! i can feeel my neck craning!* just like the Game Theory, there are +,-; -,+; ++, --.

so whatever it is, the good thing to do right now is SMILE =o) (duh! wherever does it come from?)

best fashion statement... pyjamas and pearl earrings. yeah!

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