

I would like to thank Marian for saving the photos on her blog site, thus I was able to get myself a copy of it.

Its been long ago since the Banahaw experience, and I want to post the “ngarag” pictures here so when I look back on it, I’ll remember how we all looked like that day (considering that was one of our first stops I think).

***Since these are Marian's pics, she's in front. I on the other hand, for the curious, is the girl on green shirt and red bandanna (merry Christmas)***

This isn’t the start of the journey. We’ve gone thru a long road to get to this place. But we were all smiles coz we didn’t know what more was ahead of us.

Then this picture was when we went down already. The falls was there, and all. That was the first official stop I think, or was it that cult house, or whatever, its been years ago and I cant fully remember.

All in all, I want to reminisce on those two long days. Two days that made my bond with my friends in college so tight, and I didn’t realize there was more to come. I remember that time the Komodo Dragon was being conceived. Annix is my blockmate from Psych, so of course I know her. Marian, Slac, and April I think were kindda hanging together before the Banahaw experience, and I am chummies with Betsy, et al. So at that time, I was pretty much starting the friendship with my Komodo’s. but then I also remember that my jeep seatmate was Marian! Pictures from my camera were mostly with her. I’ll try to scan the pics when I get the chance to. I’ll show you the funny candid moments there (favorite pic is the Kate with the water bottle shower).

Ah! How I’d love to go back to that chance of making more memories with my Komodo’s and the rest of the Komodeers (friends of the Komodo’s). That crazy adobo feast, coke with rum from the kanto, the meshed up tent, the cave experience (if you check the photos, I was wearing a capri pants. That pants do not exist at present coz of that cave), the shrieks, giggles, the Sunday fight day, haha! Nice memories that didn’t only make up my college days but my whole memory book.

When I get back home, I hope we can arrange a vacation (there’s no one that can stop me now!).
I hope everyone will be up for it!

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