
children of men

its good i wasnt able to see this on its year of release, 2006, or else my list will be ruined! i'll be messed up to decide which category this should fall. under my standards, this movie is so damn good!

i like movies that make me think while watching it. makes me think what i;ll write next on my journal, what event or story or theme it is near to. this was all that!

the way i see its story is like the goal of the holocaust, in a futuristic cynical, anarchic way. though the point of infertility is not caused by a man-made destruction, (which to this moment i cannot think of a possiblity as to how everyone can be infertile all together, maybe like the flu pandemic in the story, or an end of the world sign... egad!), the preservation of race was kindda how i saw the segregation of color and citizens to non-citizens is. though labeled as illegal aliens, i know that the story do not wish to zero in only the illegals, but even the documented, or English-born, or English-raised, or even the "hybrids". it was like a case of racial segregation, if you look differently, speak differently, you are or you can be considered as an alien. why would the police officers chase them though they were ready to show their passports? because regardless of their affilliations, they still look different and they will be suffering the fate of the undocumented person, the fugee. in the movie, they mentioned it as "How will they accept a baby of a fugee?" isnt it by law that you can acquire citizenship when you are born in that land? that should be the case of the baby, but they are protecting the baby because they can get rid of the baby for being born from a refugee.

though there is also an "either" to the protection thing. the baby will/ might be glorified as a saving grace, get exposed, get to be the child that everyone is dreaming of (just like baby Diego), and live the most abnormal life in the world (talk about dying like John Lennon). they do not want that too, or the mother doesnt want that to happen. but what about those other guys? the terrorists per se? what is their interest in the child? well maybe, just maybe, they will use the baby by exposing him on the "right" time, that will make them popular or the new heroes, OR just like a terrorist activity, the baby will be their "blood money" to acquire more wealth, weapons, etc, to support their guerilla/terrorist activity in London. aint those good assumptions?

i did get to realize some stuff from the movie.
#1. i hope we do not see the future as that... it is too morbid. i hope we do not see loonies running around like trigger crazy people.
#2 i hope "24" cease showing foreigners as potential terrorists, it affects minds.
#3 i think i should read 1984 by George Orwell, then watch the movie again. i'll compare their main points.

1 R a v e s:

SoNSo1 said...

I didn't know you liked it that much.