
Episode #3

Traveler is my show right now.

i really liked the first two episodes. episode #3 still has that "edge" that wants you to watch more. the problem was there were too much flashbacks that is ruining real time. the good thing about this is that its a series on how to save your ass to prove that you are innocent. however, there are more assess and jerks around the story that makes you want to punch all of them. haha! but really, you'll hate a couple of characters. like Agent Chambers who is only looking at the apparent and not what can go beneath it. Because Tyler and Jay are the ones on the surveillance vid, he got fixated with them and not wonder why the hell is that part of the vid the only thing that existed and the other parts "burnt" due to the bombings. Another major jerk is the, by the end of episode 3 happens to be still alive guy Will Traveler who is a member of a mafia-stic cum terrorist group who did such an inhumane way of stealing a painting from the museum.

3 episodes and it makes me want to repeat it over and over again on ABC.Com. i'll wait for them to post it tomorrow so i will be able to view it again and make more insights about it.

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