

I was bloghopping. Trying to clear my mind before I face this ultimate afternoon task I have today. I stumbled into the blog page of a lady named Mango Girl, and was reading through one of her posts about her trip to Singapore. As i was reading it, something hit me... i was so jealous... Im jealous coz for the past 10 years maybe, I have wanted to go to Singapore, I even ended up surfing for jobs in Singapore months before my graduation! (though i guess it wasnt given to me coz im not too sure if i really wanted to live there) I find something fascinating about the place. I dunno why. I think its because its near home, and it is a small country, and that you are in the city (because the place is just a city sized country!). i really got jealous! i remember after graduation one of the things i wanted to do was to really travel, and stop by Singapore for like 2 days the least (coz they say you can go around it for two full days... like how Socrates can walk around Athens in a day only), plus if u are coming from the Philippines, the airfare is so cheap (i dont know what the rate is though but they said its cheap!) you just have to get a good, nice place to stay in that is not expensive (and i doubt you'll get that easily). Singapore... the favorite topic of PolSci students! hehe! (aint it?) Singapore... Singapore... Singapore... I still have the dream to go there, just as much as I want to go to Moscow, Ibiza, Monaco, and Dublin! yey!

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