
Before Spring Break

it is anticipated that any professor will give you loads of work before you go on vacation. i dont mind much really, i am looking forward to that (though i know it sounds nuts that i'll be squeezing that together with my planned vacation.) earlier though, i was thinking to myself, i shouldn't have continued with my plans for this vacation. i knew school work was gonna be in and i shouldve just not agreed to come along (even if this will be such a dismay for my aunt). of course the day before the flight, i cannot back out, especially everything is all set (thanks to me for that one.)

ok, what really stressed me out is this. books. i love books. damn! i love it. but today is different. i always get excited with the word research. (though the past couple of days was another bummer for me). it gets me excited spending time in the library and digging on their catalogues for the titles and those stuff. looking around the shelves to get the book, all those stuff. i was in the mood to do it. however, on this particular day, the stars were not aligned right. i knew that bringing books will be impossible, especially ive already managed to do an online check-in and selected that i'll be checking in 1 bag only. i got the books on my list (10 books at least were on the list, but i got 7. this # is due to making two research papers, one that is almost done, the other is a new one). so i said, im ready to spend for photocopies of the chapters i need. then the biggest BULL happened. both copiers were doing messy things on me! normally, when u put the book on the copier, it should be horizontal, then it can print both pages of the book. so first couple of pages went fine. then!!! all of a sudden, it was printing one side only!!! and i caught myself doing trial and error, flipping the book, and costing me $0.10 per paper! so after copy wrong copy #4, i asked for the librarian. she tinkered on that LCD (which i knew was gonna be useless too, since i was trying to do it), but then it worked!!! ONLY it worked for 2 pages and the sickness happened again. i was furious! i had like 5 books ready to be copied, and on book #1, i cannot even finish copying it! so i tried the other cpier (there are only 2) and it was doing the same thing! the same damn thing! WTF?!? and by this time, i had a dollar spent on useless copies! so my patience blew off really (who wouldnt?) and my next resrt is to just check out all the books. so damn it! im gonna have more books than shirts inside my damn luggage tomorrow! fuck that copier!

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