
back from my vacation

yes! i am back from my vacation. its weird that for the past days, all i could think of is just to be back home... but that is when the lights go out and i reflect on my reality which has to do with school works. though, i have to admit, it was a good trip though not relaxing.

5 days in Florida and enjoying part of the Kissimmee stretch and the major theme parks. Here are some things that i'd like to share with you about it.
1) how i can spend a $100 in 2 places within 3hours (which is also within 5hours upon arriving in Orlando)
2) how i spent $100 for shopping thinking that i need it (well most of it)
3) how i realized that i have a different shoe size and dress size now
4) how i missed the sun and all that there is in being tropical
5) how 3 cups of coffee in IHop is worth $1.75
6) how i missed riding the Everest just because i didnt want to go to Animal Kingdom
7) i really liked MGM compared to Epcot
8) but i want to go back to Epcot and try all the beer and wine
9) how crazy theme park mazes are.... or is it called Ride Lines?
10) and craziest is that Jurassic Park area with that "tree house" maze which has so many Exit signs you dont know which one is real.
11) how useless it was to bring my laptop coz there was no wi-fi inside the room.
12) how good the colors of that Disney Epcot globe is, but it looks like a ball of fire on my camera.
13) how i wanted to indulge on two of my favorite things: chocolates and liquor
14) how i'd love to go back and buy that $30 toy box that has Star Wars vs Transformers figures (awesome! especially if i did buy it)
15) how you cannot go ride any of the splash zone rides in Universal when it is raining (that sucks!)
16) how i can eat double cheeseburger like there's no tomorrow (and also not think that it can ruin my diet... whatever diet i have)
17) how Test Track, Space Shuttle thing, Tower of Terror, and the Mummy Returns didnt freak me out, but the sight of the Hulk made me back out!
18) how the Spiderman Ride with the 3D is the most awesome ride i went to (coz its the best of both being a ride and a 3D experience)
19) how i will always love Universal compared to Disney only because Universal tends to warp me somewhere every time.
20) but i still have to say i'd like to go back to Universal in Cali coz they have better sights there. (I'd like to go back to Universal Florida for City Walk and Blue Man Group)

i want to tell you more about this vacation, but i think im getting blocked up or mixed up with some stuff. anyway, i'll be posting some pictures also, so maybe wait for that one then i'll add it all up. i need to rest and get back into the real world.

***4/11/07 here are the pictures!!! in Multiply site

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