
To the Poliscy Members

Remember this book? Mabuhay si Sir Manhit! Yeah!

I found this in the library, and I was so excited to borrow it. It took me a month to borrow it though, and now I am using it as a reference for a paper that I am doing for my English class. This was the Poliscy's novel during our first term as PolSci majors on a short break back in November 2003. While all my kiddie cousins were enjoying their running around outside the villa in Fontana, I crashed myself on the bed to finish reading the book, which by the end of the break was an unsuccessful thing to do. Anyway, I am not really reading everything this time. I am reading some chapters that will be pertinent in my paper. The whole purpose of posting something about this though is that I took a picture of the cover. If everyone remembers, our copy doesnt have one. haha! so you can dload it and print and put infront of your "book". haha! i know everyone has it! everyone kept it coz its one of the best books anyone has ever read, and we all know we will go back to using it one time or another, just like what i am doing right now. =o)

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