
Homegrown Music

This morning, as i was looking for some songs to download from ITunes, i suddenly put on search one of the Philippine bands whose song i was humming earlier. Voila! surprise! surprise! it is there! oh my!!! what a joy to see that song, and hear it again!!! though the next thing i found out is that that is not the only song or album that is on ITunes. There were a couple of other bands whose songs are uploaded in ITunes! great!!! all Bamboo's albums, even the new one, is there! i dont have to request it from my mom now. There's also the Spongecola album, then Hale's new album... I was so amazed! I wanted to dload all!!! of course, the good thing about ITunes is that you can dload one song that you like, and be satisfied. you can scrape off the bad ones from the album. yey!

so what did i dload??? Ang Aking Awitin by Side A, Say That You Love Me by Christian Bautista (his version), and Waltz by Hale. Yeeha!!! yey! these got me so excited!!!

2 R a v e s:

Anonymous said...

"anghel sa lupa " of stonefree is still the best for me hahaha

@margeemateo said...

i havent heard that and i just checked ITunes, they dont have it. but thanks for recommending. i'll look out for it here. =o)