
Dead End

two hours before the deadline, I was typing up a letter to my professor stating an apology. After 36 hours, I decided I've had enough, and that I cannot discuss properly the topic. I should have decided on that since last Monday, or even, Wednesday. but i was too arrogant to accept my inner defeat.
(1) lack of substance on my part
(2) lack of information
(3) contrasting views from my sources
(4) contrasting views and emotions from me.
with all these, it ended up as an incoherent draft. it was like solving geometry that the theorems do not agree with the diagram.It was saying the shorter distance is going on a straight line, but you'll see sharks in the middle when you pass the straight line. (the only thing you can do with the straight line is build a bridge over the waters).
anyway, what was i saying again?

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