
Other People's Life

I found out today, from a reliable source called friendster, that one of my Grade School friends got married and now has a baby!

this grade 4 friend of mine, whom i was able to catch up again after 8 or 9 years of no communication, is dear to my heart. lets just say that half of my grade 4 life i owe to her, and another friend, coz they saved me (in grade 4 terms), from being friend-less. after my falling out with my usual friends that time, i get to hang-out with her alot, but the next thing i know, she transferred schools, thus the communication gap happened. i got to see her again after we became seatmates in our Intphil class under Ms. Garcia. i shared with her my rants of my first term in the majors program, having 4 major subjects, a minor class that i was on the rocks always, 2philosophy classes that i take straight for 3 hours, twice a week (which i like but drives me nuts), no breaks, and being an alien in the majors class. all that while waiting, while in the middle, in the end of the class we shared. haha! so in a classic friendster way, i messaged her and told her that if i get to visit home, i have to see her!

Congratulations Nikki!

hay! time flies so fast. next thing i know, a friend is married, and the clock is ticking for me?!?

nah! whatever!


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