
Movie Lists

 Romantic Flicks
81 Geek Movies

go around someone else's world of movies.

2 R a v e s:

SoNSo1 said...

I saw the geek list earlier this week. It left me scratching my head, because what type of geek was it after? There's the Kevin Smith stuff which would be fanboy material. Then it rambled on with many movies while nerdly, I wouldn't have placed on a list. I guess if you have to do more than ten you'll run into stupid movies that are teh suck.

As for the romantic movies. Wha? Some of those are crazy and not romantic. It's like putting Casino Royale as a romantic movie. He loves her, but come on really, was that what the movie really was about. Stick to the tried and true romantic comedy genre if you want sappy love stories (there's nothing wrong with that).

@margeemateo said...

i was under info overload when i read it. yeah the list is kindda messed up. too much movies, like ok, this is what i want to put, just write it down on the damn list. haha!