
the unfinished poems

***i was looking at my treasure chest (in mini disc format), and saw this short story i made back in high school. i was NOT able to submit this because it was either late or i submitted another one. but i know some of my friends was able to read it. ok, here it goes! just to spill out to everyone. ***

Monday Night; 8:00 pm
"As I joined the cats purr for attention. Looking for . . . Great! I can't finish again my poem!" Katie Dunst shouted to herself as she threw her pencil to the floor. Katie has always done poems of different topics in just a nick of time, but this time, she can't finish it, not even a stanza.
"What shall I do now? I have a deadline tomorrow for the school paper. This poem was given a slot by the editor. And I mean a special slot. What shall I do now!!!" she screamed on the top of her lungs when she knew nobody would hear her. Its raining cats and dogs outside and also with a fact that her parents are out for the night, she has to face her problem all by herself.
"I guess I have to think of something else. Maybe I have to think of something about nature. Or maybe something about me. Yes! I've got an idea!" she exclaimed happily to herself.
Still That Night; 11:27 pm
"As the leaves listened to my prayers, of thanksgiving for their presence, they bowed their heads and whispered . . . What the heck did they whisper?" she asked herself facing her 17th stanza (all in all) of 14 unfinished poems (all in all) that she has done. She realized that her room was a major mess already. Scattered papers, both flat and crumpled, tons of pens on top of her bed, the humongous box of pizza that she had for dinner and packs of soda cans which she opened and opened one time and the other.
"What should I do now!!!" she screamed again. "Okay, take it easy! Breath in-breath out." She told herself. "O-my-gosh!!!"
"What if . . . hmmm . . . good idea you have there . . . very imaginative . . ." she laughed a bit to herself, the way witches do. "Hehehe. . . "
And she made her way to her ever reliable PC and typed in her experimental 'masterpiece'.
Not so long ago; 12:05 mn
"Yes! Its done! My masterpiece. " she said as she held out to the air her printed work. "Its truly a wonderful poem!"
Just in time she was praising her work, her mom came to check her out in her room. "Honey, what are you doing? "
"I had just finished my greatest innovation which was a product of my imagination!" Katie exclaimed joyfully.
"And what could that be?" her mom asked.
" Well, awhile back I was having a hard time making a poem and I ended up with a loadful of different phrases with different ideas. So what I did was I compiled them up and turned them into. . . a one whole poem!" she said with pride. "I know that it sounds funny but its gonna be a great one I tell you. The eyes would love it and enjoy it as if they are reading MAD magazine."
"That's crazy! But who knows who'll give you praise for that?" her mom said.
"I don't know, but as for now, I have to accept the fact that people will laugh at my work." and she kept her work into her folder.

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